Rhiannon is a satyrcorn that is unlike the rest of her herd - she resembles her human father more than her satyrcorn mother. The herd kidnaps men in order to procreate. Rhiannon isn't respected in her herd because she doesn't have a horn. She manages to fly away on the back of a flying horse. She ends up in lands inhabited by humans and follows a band of witches headed to the capital city with new apprentices.
Things start getting really awesome when they decide to take a "shortcut" through a haunted land with zombies and ghosts. There begins a mystery of why little boys are going missing and why there are so many dead angry people. These were the best parts of the book. Forsyth really knows how to handle creepy scenes.
The book is filled with mythology, history, and culture. You'll first notice the dialect that the book is written in - the characters kind of speak in a celtic/Scottish manner. This didn't bother me at all (though it annoys other people). The culture as well is very pagan-inspired. I loved hearing about all the mythological creatures. The world was really brought to life.
There was also a romantic side to the story, which I usually don't mind, but I get kind of sick of love at first sight easily. It was too predictable.
Anyways, I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting a light read. I'm glad I picked it up.