Lesson: Don't judge a book by its cover!
The 3rd book of the Night Angel trilogy continues the momentum of the 2nd book ending. Vi is training to be a mage, Logan is (STILL!!) not king and serving rival Terah Graesin, and Kylar is trying to deal with all these people. But for now Kylar and the mainstream storyline takes a step back as other things are happening.
There is a new Godking: and it is a familiar character! I thought this was a very interesting development, and unfortunately this person kind of got more and more screwed up so that instead of maybe helping to bring down the Khalidorian government like I thought might happen, he really didn't do anything at all.. and instead became enamored with a woman.
Another new character is introduced, one Lantano Garuwashi. The man personifies this extremely kickass name. Lantano is a BAMF. Just sayin'. He is like Kahl Drogo from GRRM's books. The thing is, even though he's immensely powerful, Lantano can never be a king because he was born with an iron sword (a symbol of your place in society). Feir gets involved with him and he gets his hands on Curoch (actually this happens in the previous book, this is what happens when I don't update). I loved reading the Lantano chapters and he eventually comes into a sort of alliance with Logan.
Kylar's storyline takes a sharp turn when he allows himself to take criminal punishment because he knows he will come back from the dead. However, he soon learns that there is actually a horrible payment he has to make every time he dies, and he was never aware of it. Kylar dealing with this knowledge and his carelessness in letting himself be killed brings around some huge character development.
The final battle in this book is epic on a grand scale, but I think I preferred the "final battles" of the other two books more. What was really tear jerking about the ending was what happens between Elene and Kylar. It was sad and beautiful.
This series has ended, but I definitely feel like Weeks could return and write more about Midcyru. I would love to hear about Durzo's history most of all.